Yverdon de Pestallozi School Gears Up for CSANPRISA Academic Events

News Report by: Princess Junem C. Zapico. Elisha Feliciano,  Aljohn R.Walinsundin (Legacy)

As the CSANPRISA Academic Events approaches, principal Adelfa Quinto of Yverdon de Pestallozi School Inc. shared her responses to several questions regarding the upcoming competition.

Principal Adelfa Quinto in an interview with the Legacy

As the CSANPRISA Academic Events approaches, principal Adelfa Quinto of Yverdon de Pestallozi School Inc. shared her responses to several questions regarding the upcoming competition.

In a recent meeting with the CSANPRISA academic coaches, Mrs. Adelfa Quinto requested the group to sign up using Google Forms to ensure seamless facilitation with the preparations for classrooms to be used during the tournament. 

She also enlisted the school's IT team to prepare a template and an excel sheet to manage the results of the competition. This reflects a dual approach, with both manual and electronic tabulation being employed to enhance result validity.

Preparing for the CSANPRISA Academics on January 10, a one-day competition promises competition at different levels. Level 1 to 3 activities is scheduled to occur on a tight schedule. In one instance, if the competition is scheduled from 8 to 10, then all levels will compete during that time. Conversely, Level 2 participants will work on their academic endeavours from 11 to 1, which requires a three-hour period.

The time frame covers both the formal level awards ceremonies and the completion of the academic challenges.

The occasion serves as a tribute to the dedication of both participants and organizers to celebrate and elevate academic excellence as the final countdown to CSANPRISA Academics gets working.

In the realm of academic pursuits, Mrs. Adelfa Quinto congratulates students of Yverdon de Pestallozi School for being selected to participate in school activities. According to her, this event is a testament to one's exceptional capabilities and a recognition of being the "cream of the crop," a phrase that resonates with the acknowledgment of excellence.

Congratulations are in order for these chosen participants, as their selection signifies more than just an opportunity to engage in a school activity—it symbolizes a validation of their academic prowess.

It is a nod to their dedication, hard work, and mastery of the subject matter. In the grand tapestry of education, these individuals stand out as beacons of excellence, contributing to the collective pride of the school community.
