Jay Fernandez : The gold and silver medalist of the CSANPRISA Track and Field Competition.

News Report by: Janel Sacares and Christen Lariz Gelera 

The 16-year-old student who represented the Yverdon De Pestalozzi School Inc. in the CSANPRISA Track and Field tournament is Jay Paraiso Fernandez, a student of grade 11-HUMSS.

All of his preparation leading up to the competition is worth it. Despite all the challenges he faced, he took home three medals consisting of one gold medal in three-miles-run and two silver medals in the 400-metre run and one-mile walkathon.

Jay Fernandez of 11-HUMSS

But let us know who Jay Fernandez is. Fernandez has been a student athlete since grade 5, but due to some unexpected occasions regarding the pandemic this past few years, sadly, the male couldn't continue his desire in playing. But fortunately, the male went back on playing the certain sport in 10th grade, up until now in his senior highschool year.

As the male stated, Fernandez didn't quite seem pressured during the competition since he's been participating in those since before. And as he continues to play track and field, it gained a huge effect on him since the player actually has asthma. But still, he insisted and continued to play until it improved his health.

Playing and winning this sport really opened many opportunities to Fernandez such as scholarships from big universities like University of Santo Tomas (UST).

Fernandez shared that he was very happy when he was declared as champion of the Track and Field competition at the previous CSANPRISA Sports events. But besides track and field, he also plays other sports like basketball, but he'll be focusing on track and field for the meantime. Not only because it helped him improve his health from having asthma, but as well as finding the big opportunities and happiness in his heart. Although having asthma became a really big struggle for Fernandez, the male continued what his heart wanted until every effort he gave was fulfilled with worthiness. 

They say, track and field is not just about running. It's also about the sportsmanship of oneself and teamwork. Just learning about these things makes us give appreciation on how track and field is really a great sport.
